We are pleased to announce that the Philadelphia Intellectual Property Law Association’s March meeting will be held on Thursday, March 24, 2016, at the Philadelphia office of Volpe and Koenig, P.C.
Location: Volpe and Koenig, P.C.
United Plaza
30 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
5:30 pm CLE Program: Royalties for Standard-essential Patents
Gregory E. Smith, Berkeley Research Group
6:30 pm Reception
The cost is $35.00 for members, $15.00 for students, and $45.00 for guests and non-members. Please make checks payable to “PIPLA.” One hour of Pennsylvania and Delaware CLE substantive credit has been requested.
Please RSVP by March 17, 2016 to the Hospitality Committee Chair Stephanie Papastephanou by e-mail to pipla@bakerlaw.com or by mail to Stephanie Papastephanou, BakerHostetler, Cira Centre, 12th Floor, 2929 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2891.