We are pleased to announce that the Philadelphia Intellectual Property Law Association’s May meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at the National Society of the Colonial Dames, Pennsylvania Headquarters.
Location: National Society of the Colonial Dames, Pennsylvania Headquarters
1630 Latimer Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
3:30-4:30 Ethics presentation by Professor David Hricik
4:30-5:00 Trademark presentation by Maxim Voltchenko, Peter Kraybill, Brian King, and Mana Ameri
5:00-6:00 Federal Circuit Year in Review presentation by Joseph R. Condo, Michael J. Bonella, and Brian J. Hubbard
Download speaker bios by clicking here.
6:00 pm Elections
The Articles of Association require yearly elections for positions on the Board of Governors. Officer positions are filled annually and Members at Large positions are filled bi-annually. In accordance with Article 4, notice is hereby given to the membership of the following slate of nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee (Stanton Weinstein, Benjamin Leace, and Robert Cannuscio) for the Board of Governors:
President: Stamatios Stamoulis
President-Elect: Robin Quartin
Vice-President: John Simmons
Treasurer: Stephen Weed
Board Member: Ronald Kern
Board Member: Joseph Boos
As the Immediate-past President, Jay Halt will serve on the Board. Felicity Groth will continue to serve her two-year term as Secretary.
In addition, the following Board Members will continue their two-year terms:
Board Member: Sarah Dukmen
Board Member: Sarah Galbraith
Board Member: John Sullivan
The Articles of Association permit additional candidates to be nominated for election by submission of a petition providing the name of the proposed nominee, the desired Board position and signatures of ten (10) active voting Members. I must receive the petition no later than May 17, 2015. All active members are invited to vote.
* * * * * SPECIAL EVENT * * * * *
6:15 pm The PIPLA Distinguished Intellectual Property Practitioner Award
The PIPLA Board of Governors is proud to announce that it will present the fifth Distinguished Intellectual Property Practitioner Award. The award is presented to a PIPLA member with a distinguished career who has made outstanding contributions to PIPLA and the Philadelphia region IP community. Manny D. Pokotilow of Caesar Rivise PC was selected by the PIPLA Nominating Committee and unanimously approved by the Board of Governors as the recipient of this year’s award. Please join PIPLA following the CLE Program for the award ceremony honoring Manny Pokotilow.
One and a half hours of Pennsylvania and Delaware CLE substantive credit and one hour of Pennsylvania and Delaware ethics credit have been requested. Cost to attend is $35.00 for members, $45.00 for nonmembers, and $15.00 for students. Please make checks payable to “PIPLA.”
Please RSVP by May 20, 2015 to the Hospitality Committee Chairs Ronald C. Kern, Jr. and Stephanie Papastephanou by e-mail to pipla@bakerlaw.com or by mail to Ronald C. Kern, Jr., BakerHostetler, 2929 Arch Street, Cira Centre, 12th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2891.
The program attendance form may be viewed by clicking here.
The schedule for the 2014–2015 program year can be viewed by clicking here.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.