We are pleased to announce that the Philadelphia
Intellectual Property Law Association is holding a virtual CLE
meeting on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 5:30 pm.
Location: Virtual Meeting
Information to be distributed to all attendees
5:30 pm CLE Program: “Update on US Trademark Law“
Allison R. White, Caesar Rivise, PC
Do Trademark Litigants Get Their Day in Court? The Preclusive Effect of ITC Trademark Determinations in the U.S. District Court System
The presentation examines the International Trade Commission’s role as an administrative agency regulating intellectual property and whether its decisions should have binding effect on the U.S. District Courts. Particularly, the presentation contrasts the unique considerations applicable to trademark law with other areas of IP and focuses on whether ITC trademark determinations should be preclusive after the Federal Circuit’s August 2019 decision, Swagway LLC v. International Trade Commission.
Laura J. Winston, Offit Kurman, P.A.
The Trademark Modernization Act: What is it and How did we Get Here?
Sweeping changes are coming to the Lanham Act that will affect office action response times, Letters of Protest, the ease with which a third party can expunge or trigger reexamination of a trademark registration, and the presumption of irreparable harm in preliminary injunction motions. What are these changes, and why now?
Meeting fees have been waived for all PIPLA members for the 2020-21 calendar year. The cost is $25.00 for guests/non-members. Please make checks payable to “PIPLA.”
One hour of Pennsylvania and Delaware CLE credit has been requested.
Please RSVP by February 15, 2021 by e-mail to pipla@ratnerprestia.com (or by clicking the “Attend Event” button below). Please send payment to PIPLA Treasurer Melissa Gibson, 906 Chesterfield Drive, Ambler, PA 19002. Alternatively, we have set up a Venmo account to simplify payment. If you wish to pay via Venmo, our user name is: @PhiladelphiaIPLawAssoc-PIPLA.
The program attendance form may be viewed by clicking here.
As a reminder, applications for new members and membership renewals for the 2020-2021 association year are now due.
The application for new membership can be viewed by clicking here.
The membership renewalform can be viewed by clicking here.
We look forward to seeing you (virtually) at the meeting.